
Technology Resources for Orphans

Technology resources for orphan careBelow are some of the resources that we are aware of that can assist you in your search for how to help orphans using technology:

Orphan Care Resources: – This is a great listing of international organizations that are working to help the fatherless. There are events, ministries, and resources by country that is easily searched and understood.

Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO): In America, this is the leading organization for paraministries of the local church that care for the fatherless. They have the largest conference of small ministries and churches around adoption, foster care and global orphan care in the country.

Retail Orphan Initiative: – Leveraging the collective resources of the CIO’s of some of the largest retailers in America, this innovative organization works to help the fatherless by raising funds for local programs and using a national retail conference for good.

Each Inc: – This organization is building a solution to improve the outcomes of orphans in Guatemala. Through a partnership with Buckner International, they are building a country wide database to facilitate for the first time the total number of orphans, organizations caring for orphans and the reduction of institutional care of orphans.

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